Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Men at work.

Since my last blip and following the last check up when I threw away the crutches, I suddenly found myself lumbered with life as usual as though a switch had been flipped and I’ve been living on enthusiasm ever since. In addition, it has been a busy time with guests over the hols, including my big brother which all as exhausting as it was enjoyable.
Titch was in the spotlight on two occasions; once in church when he recited a poem, distinguishing  himself by speaking slowly and clearly and sounding as if he really meant what he was saying. Next came the school play where he was Pinocchio’s cat, during which he developed a bad headache with nausea. Too much excitement I guess.

My best memories are of the  days spent with all the  G. kids and to see them interact together. It’s seems that picking lemons from our tree has become a ritual. They had so much fun filling up the plastic bags and trying to find the largest.

Lorenzo played football with his uncle Luca . It didn't to the garden any good, but what the heck.

 LIttle Ricky played pretend chess by himself and said "I found daddy" which for little Ricky is a big deal.

Max threw a severe tantrum because he didn’t want to go home. 
Good, I thought to myself.

I've been trying to walk  as much and often as possible and can now manage 12000 steps in a day plus a gym session. I had my 12 week check up last week, all is well and I am allowed  to ride my bike.

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