
By Marychristine16


On our way home from shopping we were stopped at a road block and found ourselves driving along the steep slope of the mountain till we came to a cul-de-sac.  In the sea below was a tug boat spraying water. We were told by a friendly cop that a train was burning on the track . All we could see was tiny wisp of smoke. By the time we had taken a detour home the fire was raging up the slope towards Elsies Peak. By lunch time it had reached the top of the mountain and was sweeping down on the village of Fish Hoek. People living on the mountain side were asked to evacuate with their pets. The smoke was so thick that they could not see the flames. All afternoon the helicopters water rbombed the fire.
All is quiet now but the wind is still blowing.
Everyday brings new fires. Yesterday many of the wine farms in Stellenbosch  area suffered fire damage
Thankfully moisture laden clouds are sweeping across the bay. Any moisture is helpful., Maybe some rain on the weekend.

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