excerpts from a life

By berfin


This is Bowie, named after his one brown one blue eye.

I saw him yesterday on my way up the hill (because it was snowy and my service bus couldn't risk going down the hills on ice) and he was sleeping still, too still. I made sure he was alive and left with hurry because I was already late. 

After school, at 4 pm, I came back to the street and was walking when I saw the apartment building I saw him at in the morning and wanted to check. There he was... though standing and hitting his head on the wall, slowly but repeatedly. He was about to faint, though every time his back legs let him down he jerked back up and unconsciously start hitting his head onto the wall again. I don't think I'll ever forget the horror in my heart at that moment because I knew he was going to die if I didn't do anything as soon as I could. So I ran home, left my bag and couldn't reply much to my worried mother who saw me panicked very rarely, wrote what was wrong with the dog on the Facebook page of Cihangir Cool for Cats, got the phone number of the local vet and got out again. 

Turns out that my government's vet service is a piece of shit, and I fought with the man on the line and hung up. My father was coming home at that same moment, and stopped when he saw me. Then I called my friend Hilary, who advised me to take the dog into a car and bring him to Cihangir. I couldn't (our car was at service) but luckily at that moment our neighbour came home, whom I very much love, and let us borrow her car to bring the dog to Cihangir. 

So we brought him to Cihangir. As soon as he was warm in the car he was conscious again, back on his feet watching other cars, and we got his "earring" out at the vet, which is stamped on every dog on street by our government who doesn't really care what happens to the dog's ear afterwards. He cried so hard and I was about to sob when Hilary hugged me and told me everything would be okay and we would bring him to the pet pansion just down the street. She paid for the vet, she paid for the pansion from her fund for street animals (which cost about 1000 liras in total) and Bowie's now safe, warm, healthy and happy. And looking for a loving and responsible owner... Cihangir Cool for Cats saved a life again, thanks to everyone who helped.

I'm so relieved that it makes me cry when I think about what would happen if I didn't see him or check on him when I came back home. Good lord. He was meant to live.

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