Aonach Mor

This has been a very sombre day. A boy that I grew up with sadly passed away and his funeral was today. I recall very clearly the last time we met, it was at a work site over a year ago, and we had a good blether and a laugh.

As we resumed our respective tasks for that day I was left with the impression we had that mutual feeling of still being twenty something in our own minds despite the calendar sugesting to the contrary. He looked just the same as he always had, maybe just a bit more distinguished.

We lived very near one another at school age, were in the same class together, played football in the village park (always known as the Braxi in inverlochy), later did the usual messing about with motor bikes thing. He always had a hankering to get involved with heavy plant and lorry work and indeed for much of his working life drove HGVs. We were not in contact latterly but when we met on that day I refer to it could have been like any other day 40 (gulp) years ago.

I am not a church goer but I thought the service was kind, thoughtful and at times even had a little humour. I hope It brought some comfort for those nearest to him. I am so sorry for his family.

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