loco viejo


Upward curves

Started the day tired and flat and annoyed at myself for not having handled my time better, but then things went pretty smoothly in lessons (this was one I hadn't prepped at all, fortunately computer room was free, so quickly googled a couple of online quizzes and YouTube videos on 7 Habits, emailed them to the kids, and gave them the lesson to revise in whatever way they saw best - some made PowerPoints, one even attempted to make his own quiz using Scratch - MIT's coding program they have been introduced to by the Computing teacher (Ben) - with a couple of kids actually telling me that was a great lesson they really enjoyed and learned a lot from - and one even told the Deputy Head that

SO ANNOYING when my phone does that with Blipfoto - wrote a detailed diary entry and it's not posted 3/4 of it... Ah well, no time now, obviously meant to be. In a nutshell: my day got better and better!! - hard to choose a highlight (hence the original long post), but I'll mention relistening to one of my favourite compilations, It's Only Rock and Roll But We Like It - on the way home from smoke it was Do You Believe in Love (Huey Lewis and The News). And I even slept relatively well - though having forgotten to take my keys and the Houseparents' lights all off on my return, I nearly did not sleep well!! (fortunately Head Boy Caleb's room is next to the back door and he was still awake....) 

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