A Year Through My Eyes

By egbaldwin

Scary greyhound trip


This morning started by Eric taking me for breakfast (post taking my car back to the rental place) pancakes San Francisco style were good but nearly broke me there was so much!

After this he dropped me at the greyhound terminal to get my bus inland to Clio California, I had to wait an hour and a half longer than usual due to the bus being late! I was reassured whilst looking round the odd mixture of people on the bus to see a couple of members of the military on their way home....kinda felt a tiny bit safer. When they got off at half way I did begin to panic! Kept feeling like I was being watched by the creepy man to my left!

Anyway I survived, especially as I got off in Truckee to meet Toni and Steve, grandma's friends who are looking after me for the next few days.

This blip was from their deck area when we got home, looking out onto the golf course.

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