A Bunch of strawberries

No the usual ones but from the Strawberry tree or arbutus. A bit of a cheat as these are the fruits not the flowers but it's an odd tree as, apart from being native to southwest Ireland, it's an evergreen and this year's flowers appear as the previous year's fruit matures ie now. The flowers are like little clusters of lily of the valley but mine have been blown off in the recent weather. The strawberries look appealing but actually taste of very little. They were enjoying a rare bit of sunshine and as I was blipping Chirpy was hiding in the foliage warbling extremely loudly!

A bit of sunshine in between heavy showers and after a productive morning getting the card order ready and having a skype with son#1, I went out for a longish walk, just pootling and admiring the views: very muddy cows, wheeling curlews, two kestrels, one ringfort and a small ruin.
I passed yesterday's blip - all is revealed in the extra. Check out the name of the bungalow for clues to everything.

Thank you for all the very conflicting advice re The Revenant - some of you love it, others hated it. I think I shall have to make up my own mind but go equipped with a thick scarf.

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