Swimmers' Log Book



They nailed it! My class put on a brilliant assembly all about Space, including a sketch with Tim Peake and his crew mates on the international space station. We're all obsessed - I'm loving it! So proud of them all!!!

A few highlights:

They danced to 'feeling hot, hot, hot' as a way of introducing the sun.
They told facts about each planet, and then sung an awesomely catchy planets song.
The rocket took off to 'Thunderbirds'.
Tim's space walk was introduced with 'ground control to major Tom' (naturally).
Bones starred as one of the astronauts- 'Bones, don't you wish it was you doing the space walk?' 'No, he hasn't got the guts!'
More jokes followed: 'How do you get an astronaut's baby to sleep?' 'You rocket!'
Rocket landed to 'Chariots of Fire'.

Thank you to Chloe, Joe and Heidi for all your help with the writing and ideas. I couldn't have done it without you.

Thanks also to my wonderful TAs for all the hours they have spent making planets, constellations, backdrops and the rocket. I was still buzzing after school so I got the big ladder out and put them on display- they look great!

Happy anniversary to Dougie- 22 years!!! Thanks for the flowers and pizza!!!

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