Au Revoir, England

Many photos I could have blipped today, but guess this is the highlight - leaving the UK for a new life - too many emotions to enumerate... Part of me feels like we're going on holiday; but my stomach is aware it's more than that. It's a beautiful night - calm, with a full moon shining across the waters.

Our friends amazingly kind to us - we slept so well, then taking us for last minute shopping - a (red) teapot and 240 teabags - and then for the most incredible Brazilian rodízio - if you live in Portsmouth, Southampton or Bournemouth, you must visit Casa Brasil - the food authentically Brazilian, even pão de queijo; our waiters all Portuguese. Have added Angela "being led astray" with a caipirinha.

And one more of the sunset as we walked along the beach by their house. And now, hopefully, another good sleep in our comfy cabin...

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