The fool on the hill

By mooncoin


Hitching around Spain with my sis.

Took tube to the flea market, Rastro. Interesting place must be great on a Sunday. Took lots of photos. One old woman in black was particularly interesting - I took some shots of her and was hurled with abuse! A little later a police van drove up, a cop jumped out and started to gather up all her stuff while they stood arguing. I raised my camera to my eye and through the viewfinder saw the cop lurch toward me. He tried to grab my camera but luckily the strap was around my wrist. After some struggling and trying to explain that I hadn't taken a photo I opened the back of the camera to fog the film. This seemed to satisfy him and he left me alone. I had probably lost a few shots but I didn't know what else to do.
We went to the Modern Art museum and were shown around by a Spanish lady who spoke very good English. She told us we should visit Granada.
Later met Sam and Steele and went for a drink. The bill came to 2800 pts! That was a shock.

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