Tight Truck ... or Trucking Thursday?

Our neighbour, a young man in the logistics branch, decided to wash the truck he will start work with on Monday instead of bringing it to the carwash.  Hubby invited him inside while I was at work, and they had coffee and then the topic led to renovations of their respective garages and sculleries.  I'm wondering if anything will come of it.  The ideas are actually quite do-able, as far as I have understood, and will include some joint enlargements.  It's hard not to get infected with the enthusiasm.  We have to look at the finances and on that score, it's still the waiting game.  Anyway, the truck was so close to my car I had to enter from the passenger side and it took about a minute more to maneuvre, which was quite a pleasant challenge.

Went to work, failed a couple of students, went back home.  Still busy with the manuscript.

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