Pilates early start

Saturday morning starts much earlier for me now that it used to as I go to the gym for a pilates class at 8.30.  I managed to claim a floor space pretty early today and knew I would be struggling for a Blip so here is the reflections of our Pilates class before it got filled up with 15 other people!  It was strictly lying ing a straight line room only!  We have a lovely Chinese woman as our teacher, Yupta.  She really makes us laugh!  Sometimes at the most inappropriate time.

We have Rob's cousin from Australia staying with us for the weekend so we are off out for a curry this evening with some other family members so apologies if I don't get round to too many comments.

I'm looking forward to the Blipmeet in Stratford on Wednesday and am gearing myself up for the grand launch of the Dickens February challenge.  Maybe we will need to do a Shakespeare 400 challenge after that...

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