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Decided to drive across country to a garden centre, as we needed a few things for the birds etc. Bad mistake, as the roads were muddy and full of potholes disguised as puddles, so it was a bit of a rough ride even in a 4 x 4.
Another dismal grey day, so could find very little to blip until I spotted these Shetland ponies in a field. I might have got a better picture had I been willing to get out of the car and stand in the mud, but I chickened out! The Extra shows one of the many fields round here which still has bales of hay in it, presumably surplus to requirements. I liked the wavy lines.
Is anyone else watching "The Young Montalbano" on BBC 4? I watched the original series (with the older detective) and was hooked, so I'm enjoying this one too, as it's easy to follow even with subtitles.
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