Red Peg?

The most heartfelt thank you to everyone for yesterday - I do hope I have thanked everyone but my notifications kept being lost as more came in so apologies if I missed anyone! You made it feel like a very special day indeed and I am so thankful blip looks to have a brighter future as I would miss you! 
So this is saturdays blip - I will try not to confuse anyone like yesterday but I make no promises! I spent most (all!) of the day at my kitchen table on my laptop, and looking round the kitchen for inspiration late in the evening decided it was time to blip my gorgeous peg!! I bought it at the Bovey Tracey Contemporary Craft Festival and said at the time  I would blip it some day ( looking back I see I said an awful lot that day!!) It is made by Louise Dawn Wilson. Wire work just amazes me, I like pen and ink drawings too and the simplicity but artistry just appeals.
Anyway - whilst photographing it I discovered the macro setting on my lens allows me to get physically closer with my camera and then zoom!! I have a Macro lens and wasn't using it correctly!!! But now I don't have the urgency to buy one! Whoop! Whoop! Yesterday was a good day indeed! Sorry, I mean today!!Tomorrow I shall go out and buy some flowers and really play with it! After more play today with whatever takes my fancy! Or do I mean the next day and tomorrow? :-D

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