Ashton Court

Out at 9 for a spin around the woods with Geoff and Phil. Enjoyed it but wasn't quite feeling the magic.

I managed to meet up with Mrs RB and sons #1 and #2 who were out running.

Jet washed my bike, my legs and my shoes (which were noticeably falling apart as I did so).

Back home to fill the shower with mud.

Currently beached on the sofa for 10 minutes before lunch.

Enjoy it, I tell myself, as that list of chores is still lurking, some jobs ticked off but some others having taken their place.

Summer holidays and the garden seem to be hot topics in the house today.

This photo is of Ashton Court, a brilliant space just over the suspension bridge, today full of joggers, cyclists of all ages, dog walkers, deer appreciators, ice cream consumers and others.

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