
By cowgirl

Alex - Getting ready for new bean plants!

Hello all! Sorry for my lack of participation lately, I'm still here, just haven't had time/energy to get going again.

I'll back blip eventually, but you haven't missed much, so it will really just be for my own interest.

Today is Alex's mum's birthday and last Wednesday was his dad's, so I took some cakes over to the farm for whoever was around to have some with coffee this afternoon. I forgot to make a card for the dad, so thought I would just write both names in the card is made for the mum ... If only I could find it! Gave up looking after half an hour and left the house in a grumpy mood because of it! Also, the stuff I bought online for her birthday hadn't arrived, so I didn't do very well there either.

Alex's dad was busy elsewhere, so I didn't see him, but was at least able to leave his gift ( a calendar made up of pictures of the kids ).

Alex was desperate to get his Grandad's attention as he was to-ing and fro-ing in his tractor, but frustratingly he had met someone down the road to chat to, so Alex stood watching and waiting for him in the garden ... And waiting ... And waiting ... I went out to keep him company, and he began to search for sticks to put in the garden for this year's beans, like we did last year. I'm not sure his sticks will be any use, being so thin and in the wrong place, but he was enjoying himself!

My extra is Mary, watching us through the window, staying in the warmth of the living room. From there she could see us, and grandad down the road ( the farm sits on the brow of a hill and has a lovely view across the fields and of the lane running between them ).

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