Dental Centre

On Friday the temporary filling fell out.

On Saturday I knew that tooth was flaring up. 

So after a fitful night with co-codomol at three in the morning and the will to commit murder by five am I called the Chalmer's Street Dental Centre at 9am to be redirected to NHS24. They asked me a dozen questions all aimed at identifying if I was suffering from a heart attack or dengue fever and finally admitted that I needed emergency dental treatment and told me to attend Chalmer's Street Dental Centre.

11:30 a very nice Spanish dentist did some violent drilling gave me a packet of antibiotics and a warning about alcohol and paracetamol and I went home a wane and weary soul. 

A couple of hours sleep and a bowl of soup later and I know that I will be fit for work tomorrow. 

And all for £21.23

God bless the NHS. 

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