9 months old

Our little R is 9 months old today - 3/4 of a whole year and learning fast!

She did her very first pull up to standing in her cot yesterday and was busy trying to perfect the move again this morning. I captured a few action shots.

She is all but crawling now, up on her hands and knees sliding about but not quite with the traditional motion yet. She says Mama, Dada and other cute little sounds - she loves her food and milk feeds and is now happily in her own little room at night. Sleep still eludes us a bit but we were down to 3 fairly short wake ups last night :-) including a whole 4 hours of sleep from 2-6am yay!

Lovely baby girl - we're very lucky.

T took C on the train and then scooting this afternoon which he loved, I nursed R - her bottom is almost better but bless her she now has 2 sticky eyes poor girl, cue breastmilk....

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