
By KirstyHalbert

Happy Birthday...

...To M :)

Our alarm went off at 6.30am this morning and after brewing a pot of coffee and wrapping up some sausage sandwiches, we were off on the boat for an early-morning fishing mission. By 7.30am M had landed his first fish - a huge cod! I got myself a nice fat mackerel and by 8.30am we were back home with another pot of coffee on while M opened his cards and presents.

I'd got him a new pan for his Trangia and a cover for his Kindle (M likes practical presents), as well as a voucher for another canoeing trip for when we get back home. I think he was happy with them! I'd made a cake last night - apricot and cinnamon - while M was out fishing, so the first slices of that were demolished and we packed up some stuff for a trip to Flekkefjord.

A and L arrived later on, so we took out the boat again and A caught the biggest cod yet on his first cast! We had a lovely afternoon and made a great dinner of fajitas, then the boys went to do some 'man fishing' (out to sea despite the swell, minus one lady and her bump, and the other lady with no excuse). I wasn't that pleased with the birthday cake I made for M last night, so I made another one (blueberry and pear). While it cooled I popped out to take this photo - there's a wee dot in the sea that is actually M and A in the boat (look large)!

I couldn't believe it when the boys came home with MORE FISH! A ling this time, teeth and all. It was so large it had to go in the fridge diagonally! M had landed it, and was delighted. I think it was his favourite birthday present.

A day of good food, company and fishing. M said for today's Blip I should take a picture of my stripy red and white bum... After lounging around in bikini bottoms yesterday I'm seriously lobster-ish (I'm blaming the sea breeze for not feeling the burn) - but I thought I'd spare you.

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