
her little worlds collide...

Tutu still on from practising her solos this morning, in her school uniform ready to head off but sat in her odd (music print) socks practising her exam work for piano. I love this girl and how amazingly determined she is.

After a busy busy day yesterday I was happy to let her sleep in. She managed to go through to 7! She had her breakfast and got straight on with practise.  I asked her after whether she wanted to dance or do music first and she chose dance. I said to her "do you like one more than the other?" and she said she loves dancing most but she loves music a lot. She then went on to tell me that when she's grown up, after she's been a dancer she wants to teach music to children and do dance classes for them too.  

She's very excited as it's rainbows tonight and she's really enjoying me coming to help with her group at the moment. We were a bit late leaving the house for school but walked at top speed and made it in time! 

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