You never walk alone?

Misty, late morning for me, warm day -1c. The blip is from the one and only railway station of Tampere city. People waiting for the 9o'clock train to take them into the capital.

Nurses from Vaasa in the same wagon on their way to Helsinki to have some big meeting... I wonder how loud can a humanbeing giggle???

Fortunately I had headphones in my bag, I always do. Wearing headphones as a voice shelter, I instantly had better situation again, and so I listened about Celtic woman -album all the way to Helsinki and worked. Actually I could concentrate working so well, that I almost forgot to jump off the train on my station.

A good but long day at headquarters - I am happy to have such a good boss and coworkers, I must say. They make my days so bright!

On the way back there was problems as half of the train was missing. Fully loaded wagons, but I found a seat in cafeteria. No possibility to work there, so I discussed with co-travellers, two middle-aged women. Talking about flying, kettlebelling and cleaning yard from snow, ect, etc ... Very relaxing.

Hope you had equally good start for your week!?


Pe. Normal ticket between Helsinki and Tampere (some 160km) is even 53euros one direction. If you find a good sale ticket (few times a year), it can at cheapest cost only 9euros.

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