A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Taking Stock

Well I will later when it cools down.

Rubbish night's sleep but rather worryingly I seem to be developing a tolerance for them and instead of needing to nap in the afternoon I have been a productive member of society all day (see below). Possibly helped by an early morning session with the sports masseur who is continuing her splendid job of sorting out my leg.

Quick food shop.

A spot of work before taking the boy to the tank (21). I wouldn't be as crazy as to say it was a good session but it definitely wasn't a bad one. And his tolerance for being in the car seems to be improving considerably.

Home for an incredibly efficient work call - scheduled for 30 minutes, done in 8 and no-one felt the need to drag it out for any longer. Few other work things ticked off.

Homemade sweet potato cakes and fried chicken for dinner, followed by lemon biscuits.

Ferry some children to a drama class.

And now to wonder how we fill our Monday evenings without Only Connect...

Lesley x

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