The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Psychiatric help!

Mum's CPN came for one of her regular visits today. At the end of the visit, as she got out her diary to book the next one, she commented that mum seemed to be doing just fine, but wouldn't sign her off as she felt I could use her support. Too true.

I could continue whinging, but shall refrain - it's just the same old thing - mum's endless bonkers wittering, refusal to eat or drink, apparent inability to ever SEE the drink or food on the tray on her knee.

And that's just a tiny portion ...

blipless after sunset I was glad that Auntie and Sweetpea (above) visited me so I had *something* to attach my not-really-a-whinge to!

ISO 6400   ...    1/20 sec ...  eeek!

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