
By Mimthing

The sun shines on...?

Taken from my cell.
I am doing my annual scrabble of bits of paper and bank statements, I promise myself every year that I won't let this happen again. Yeah right!
My reward for my days work has been a couple of pints down the pub...
No change there then!

We, as usual, had our pints with our very long standing friend JB. He has a total bugbear about the use of mobile phones in pubs and generally any public place, he regularly quotes Einstein ...
"I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots"

So you can imagine our amusement when he -sat at the bar- made a phone call in front of every one. These moments must be noted, so I videoed him... :-)

I too think it bad manners to make and take calls when in company, be it in a bar or your sat at your friends kitchen table... Put your phone on silent and leave the room if an urgent call comes thru, and continuing a conversation whilst going thru the checout at the supermarket is totally ignorant, so many times you see people putting their shopping thru the checkout and they are paying no attention to the person scanning their haul, too busy being important on the phone. Give a little of your time to the till operator, he/she is doing a job, a very boring job, trying to pay their way, give a little respect and engage. Let's face it, we are all just trying to make our way to the end of the week, smile, be polite, it makes such a difference to everyone you meet.

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