Sunday, Sunday

As opposed to Monday, Monday, but we can sing about that one tomorrow maybe.

Meanwhile what happened to quiet Sundays?

So much going on today.
Although I didn't watch it.

I tried to watch it.
But got interuppted somewhere in the middle by a friend who was on her way to mine but got herself hi-jacked by a stray dog in the road and enlisted my help in driving said stray dog to the police-station. This entailed me going out to meet her with this short haired, short-ar legged wriggly, big-eared yappy creature, whose mother must have been a fox and then discovering that the council warden would come out and take the dog off us.

Back home again to catch the end of the match.
Hankie out.
It was so hard to watch Andy being inteviewed by Sue Barker.
Next year, for sure, it will be his.

Just bobbing next door to my neighbours now for a quick(?!) Sunday evening, end of weekend tipple.

I'll be back later!

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