Around and about!

By xLindax

Slippery little sucker!

These were out in force today trying to avoid all the floods. We however got caught in several flooded roads - having to reverse back out of one flood as it was getting too deep for the car was a little tricky! I feel so sorry for all those who have been effected by these floods I can't imagine coming home to find all your belongings ruined.

Thank you for your lovely comments on yesterdays puffin. We really did have a fantastic time, if only the weather could have been brighter. I'm not a huge bird watching type and really don't know many of their names even, but I can highly recommend a trip to the Farne Islands it's an experience to remember - just don't forget to wear a hat!!

I've put a few more photo's on my blipfolio if anyone's interested. I've not had chance to mess with them very much but I think my favourite is Mum and Dad getting dive bombed by very protective arctic terns!

Hope you've all had a great weekend too x

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