
BT can stand for Bath Time. Bandit had to have a bath - I won't go into details- - and here she is being dried off. She doesn't seem to mind too much.
( Dylan is still doing fine)
BT can also stand for British Telecommunications .
We have a temporary number and broadband at the moment.
On Friday, I was told that we would have our old number back within 72 hours. That was 144 hours ago.
I was also promised, twice, that we would not be charged the disconnection fee as it was BTs fault.
Yesterday, I had £93 taken by BT by direct debit.
I have been promised that the money will be refunded within five days!!!!
Does BT stand for Bleeding Terrible?
Or could it stand for Better Try ( another provider)??
Or .......
Here  is a song just for BT!!!

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