Well, I enjoyed doing the Mono Monday challenge yesterday, so I thought I would have a go at Tiny Tuesday...

I haven't settled into being on holiday yet, which is probably a good job because I've agreed to work on Thursday....the thought of overtime lured me in. I have had a funny old day today, though: I planned to do something, anything, creative, but I was so engrossed in my book that I read the morning away. I was just about to shake myself into creativity when Avril sent a text seeing if I fancied lunch...her treat...well, how could I refuse. I changed out of my 'slob about the house clothes' and put my 'slightly tight because I'm a greedy pig' jeans on (I have to lose weight or at least get used them before the weekend) and off I went. I haven't seen her this year so it was great to catch up.

When I returned home I bizarrely painted two cupboard doors...not bizarre painting, but bizarre that I decided to do it! Anyway, I had just finished when my manager phoned to see if I wanted some overtime on Thursday...I said no as I was busy. But...when I'd put the phone down I thought I'm not really busy, I need the money, I should do it...so I phoned back and said yes. I don't really want to work but I keep telling myself Think of the money...Think of the money...Think of the money....

This evening I'm catching up with two friends.....loverly jubberly :))

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