snow scoop...

...out of a leaf

with an attached butterfly

at least - it looks like one to me - but really is only another little leaf - how cool is that?

it snowed last night - enough to cause havoc on the streets and thoroughfares - overnight and then this morning - plus it made an incredibly beautiful landscape - to gaze upon with blue skies - white mountains, the sun shining - totally glorious

but when i went carefully exploring - so as not to fall since i am still - dealing with a brace on my arm - i noticed this tiny leaf holding - a mound of snow - what attracted my attention was the fact - the leaf wasn't folding in on itself - from the weight of the snow - nature is truly amazing that way - then there was that little addition of the other leaf - appearing like a newly landed butterfly - upon the snow - can you tell? or is it just me? - i really think it looks as though its wings are open - pretty cool and so it won out for my pick - i hope it brings you some delight too - maybe even contributes to the makings of...


happy day.....

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