All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Puddle Jumping

And the weather today ... rained ... and rained ... and didn't stop. But we didn't let it stop us doing lots!

As well as taking Ethan to gymnastics today, Granny and I also took Eden for her first session. She's 16 months old and the class is officially for 18 months - 3 years but as we've been taking Ethan for a while, they let her join in too.

We then went to the library at East Calder - Ethan always enjoys a wee trip there.

Then down to The Centre to buy Ethan a new pair of shoes - he has been in size 7 since Christmas and we last had him measured in May - now a size 8. We also bought Eden her first pair (she "chose" a pair with flashing lights)!

Back home where they both had a sleep.

Decided to get out for fresh air in the afternoon and we took them for a walk in the rain to do some puddle jumping (for Ethan) and a ride on the tricycle for Eden. We even braved the swings and roundabout at the playpark at Bellsquarry.

The potty training went brilliantly today. Despite being out and about so much there were no accidents from Ethan at all the whole day. He even used the toilets at the gym class without a fuss (although he does worry about falling down the big toilets)! So proud of him.

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