Willage of rental flats

The blip of the day is from the Haapalinna kylä - area where most of the flats are nice and quite new rental homes. I have heard rumours, that many divorced single mothers with their children move here, until they find new boyfriend. 

Even 50% of the marriages end up divorcing in Finland. And of course it is one of the good solutions sometimes. But I so much hoped that people could THINK before they breed - I mean why have children, if the companion is not the right one? How can they not notice it before? Is the reason the contraceptive pills - which prevent people finding "the right one"?

In Finland the children mostly stay with their mother and the father gets rights to meet children after divorcing. Often children also live half and half in their parent's homes, which means that children live in two homes, change home week after week. Some children only have their mom (or occasionally dad) to live with.

There has been sosiological studies made that as children live without their father, it affects to them - girls grow up sooner and start having boyfriends also sooner / too quickly and boys have difficulties in mathematics in school.

I have been thinking divorcing too sometimes, I guess most of us have, life is not easy as you know... But then realized that it is only me, that is the problem here - and that I only can change me. Thant this is in the end the man I fell in love with. And that it is me that would be the same old bastard - only with another man.

In the end the alternative situation would have been to live financially in deep shit as a single mother. In a small rental flat maybe.

So I have stayed in marriage - for better or worse - and this far I am happy that I have done so. 

Sorry, odd thinking today maybe. Grey misty day and the area made that:)

Water in every forms in air today, misty and warm +0c, streets wet with ice and slush. I had my steel stapled shoes on today. So I could dance on ice if I would like to!

Nasty headache in the evening.
One droplet extra too. 


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