Ban Unpao

This is where the most northerly road ends on Yao Noi. You might be able to make out the piles of rocks, which have obviously been gathered manually. We didn't know if they are trying to clear the rocks, or whether they were put there after the tsunami, to mark the bodies of victims. When the tide is in, they are underwater.
We had a good trip on our chariot around the northern end of the island. The extra taken from on board, was an old lady. Poor old soul was gathering plastic bottles and rubbish from the roadside. The other extra was a bizarre event we stumbled upon. In the blue box is a song bird. There were  lots of song birds in cages suspended from a wooden frame in the centre of a grassy area, and a team of young men on each side.  They appeared to be encouraging the birds to sing amongst much shouting, and the winners would be the ones whose birds sang first. Needless to say, we didn't like it, but I photographed it to show a bit of the way of life in this part of the world.

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