My new watch

I fell in love with ceramic watches when we were travelling and wanted to get one. The one I really liked (in San Francisco) was about $4000.  So no, I didn't get that one!  Some in Duty Free were nice but were at least $600 and I did not want to pay this. 

I got this once via Amazon's online shop for an end of line bargain price. When it arrived it was too big and as it weights three times my current watch, I wondered if I'd ever wear it.  I had the strap adjusted and once I could actually wear it, I found the weight doesn't really matter once on.

We had a decent earthquake today (4.1 and only 9kms deep) that gave us all a shock. Its been a while since we've felt any. Just had another wee one as I type this. I heard it coming.  Might be some in the night as they generally hunt in packs.

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