
back to the default shot of Lochindorb Castle, although this time from the other side!
There's a story behind the shot, of course! I was very happy with my little Olympus,  recommending it to several people, and using it for several years. However, falling out of my van one day (!) I threw it onto the ground, rendering it useless. On holiday the following day meant I could not replace it, but got a similar specification Nikon from the only retailer selling cameras there! Months later realised that this was faulty, with an internal mark right across the display panel. Returned it to a local branch of the same retailer and , as there was not a replacement, settled for a similar specification Canon. after six months, yesterday a blob appeared on the lens, like a rainspot, but not! Looking at the lens, saw a 'green dot on a stalk' (probably a technical name for this!). Took it back and got a cash refund. A trip to Jessop's satisfied me with the newer model of the same. Showed the salesman the 'green dot on a stalk'. He had never seen one before. So just shot off various pics and this was the best.

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