Woolly Hat

Feeling very sorry for myself, as I've come down with a miserable cold.  It started with a sore throat last night which kept making me cough, so I didn't get much sleep.  It's now at the runny nose and watery eye stage, as well as a ticklish cough, so who knows where it will go next?

Bad timing, as it's my birthday tomorrow and we have plans!  

Stayed in all day, so my blip is the woolly hat I bought yesterday in Glenshee.  What was I thinking of?  I look like an extra in an episode of Heidi!!  However, it is lovely and warm and the ear flaps can be worn up or down.  My husband can hardly keep the smirk off his face as he looks at it, although he assured me yesterday it was fine:-)  Traitor!!

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