
By witchcreations

Run, run, run, as fast as you can

Because me and little un have been making gingerbread men... 

We did a bit of baking today and they turned out nice!   Little un was great and got properly involved and hands on with the baking,  without doing anything typically toddlerish and unhygienic,  so not only did they taste nice,  but they were safe to offer to other people as well... 

It's been a busy week so far...
Monday -We went on a play date and made friends... we had a really lovely time with H and her lad who live in our village  so I'm really looking forward to getting to know them better

Tuesday - first day at playgroup,  I didn't leave little un on her own and was there throughout, but she did really well... I can see that group activities and structured activities are going to be the area which challenges her the most,  but she's doing great.

Wednesday- Music Makers,  and a quick visit to Grannies

Today- day of rest- baking- playing,  popped round to grannies,  and then left little un there whilst I went to the shop for 30 mins... she was fine with it... great progress as we're now working on just short periods of time way,  so that she learn that Mummy always comes back... 

Tomorrow-  aunty Jo Jo... and Dave heads down south for the weekend

All a bit bustling and hectic,  I'm actually having to use my calendar at the moment to keep track of everything ...

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