Sieze the day

By Mario

Flight Path

Marie and I went down to Patiti Point after I finished work, There were 2 pieces of drift wood that Marie wanted for the garden. This involved 2 trips. One was a large tree stump and the other was a large old branch about 50kg which I carried over my shoulder to put in the car. On the way home we stopped at Kowhai House this is owned by the Distric Health Board and was used for Child and Youth Physciatric Services. Because of new requirements for earthquake strengthening and the huge cost involved this building is now condemned and will be demolished in the near future. Marie wanted some pics because like a lot of the older architecture there seems to be a great rush to bulldoze it to the ground. I shot this one tonight from the carpark at the Beach and is looking over the Timaru City skyline as the sun was going down, in the distance there was an Aircraft flying one direction leaving a small vapour trail and a large amount of birds flying in the other.Large

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