with that grey roof above me, that sombre one, but I did not look up of course, I have my eyes wandering around me. The baby coot I had seen earlier, and with two parents feeding her, she made a satisfied impression.
The coot pair however whose nest had been stormed away a month ago and since then had made another one between the waterlilies saw this one disappeare under water too. It looks a great and safe place to them but it is a very tricky one.
I walked to the pond where the many geese live and the goslings had been grown so large that one hardly could see which ones were the offspring.
One pair that had sit on a nest for some time had now 2 little ones and they are so very cute. I noticed that they stayed very close together. One of them sticked to her sister as if searching safety.
When I came home Mischa and I started the preparations for another photo of her project. I am glad to help her as it is complicated enough for the two of us. After the shooting she is now engaged in the process of looking and choosing.

My haiku:

What if the grey sky
Could turn into the light blue
Of my eyes and dress?

I do not wear of course a dress!

And the proverb by Virgil:

It becomes wearisome to watch the arch of heaven.

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