
I went back to Pilates class this morning for the first time in two weeks and, it was just what the doctor ordered, although he didn't... I came home at 9:15 full of energy, so OilMan and I moved furniture. We need a new chair in the living room whose single off white chair has been totally trashed by dogs kids and us. The trashed chair has now been removed to our office, the chair from the television room is in our living room and I bought a new chair for the television room. All before 10:30. OilMan was far less energized than me, but he was a good sport, even getting out the vacuum to suck up all the stuff that had fallen under the chair cushions.

We had lunch with friends at The Girl and the Fig in Sonoma…brussels sprouts with pancetta and a lovely fluffy quiche. I didn't want to stop eating it but I ran out of room…conversation ranged from wine to retirement, and getting older to making things…including wine. Funny how things always come full circle here in wine country.

On the way to Sonoma is a series of little towns named after hot springs  (Agua Calliente, Fetters Hot Springs, Boyes Hot Springs) which are strung out along highway 12. Situated between two fairly upscale towns , it could once only have been described as 'drab".There is a civic improvement project in the form of pavements and curbs and a very colorful, and controversial paint job on several store fronts lining the highway. Since the majority of the residents of "the Springs" are Hispanic , I think the paint job is culturally appropriate, eye-catching, and a vast improvement. Not everyone agrees with me. It was particularly cheering today, a dispiriting rainy day.

The internet technician is coming tomorrow to try to fix our intermittent service. This is feeling like a case of deja vu. I will them attempt to get caught up with comments.


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