The Lichfield Angel

This is one of the very special treasures of our beautiful Lichfield Cathedral.

"Discovered in 2003 the Lichfield Angel is a remarkable survival of early medieval sculpture. The carved limestone panel, which is dated to around 800 A.D., comprises three separate fragments which are thought to have formed the corner of a shrine chest, possibly that of St Chad (d.672).

In the summer of 2003, archaeological work in the nave of the Cathedral was undertaken prior to the installation of a retractable platform. Little or nothing was known about the archaeology of the nave although it was generally thought that the Anglo-Saxon Cathedral must have been located west of the Church of St Mary, evidence for which exists under the choir. Dr Warwick Rodwell, the Cathedral Archaeologist, undertook the excavation and the results were extraordinary."

The Lichfield Cathedral website

When a trip with friends to Bicester Shopping Village was postponed, I decided to taste some culture of a different kind. I went back to a lunchtime Young Musicians Recital in the Cathedral and before the pianist started, there was time to visit some of the treasures. This is my absolute favourite, the Lichfield Angel. (And just in case you think I'm totally classical in my taste you can see the reflection of my Country Casuals bag in the glass - well they did have a rather good sale.)

I notice that in the Treasures section of the Cathedral, they now have computer generated replicas of items of the Staffordshire Hoard - such a good idea as the real thing is touring the world, separated, to earn money for us to keep it. Sadly, this means you can't see the full collection at a single visit anywhere and you don't get the idea of the immensity of the find.

You know, Lichfield is really a rather special place to visit.

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