Every kind of wrong!

I really do not know where to start!

Firstly; when did gingerbread people start needing to wear clothing or underwear? What kind of madness means that we are starting to gender gingerbread men (who have always been gingerbread men haven't they?). I'm all for equality and a recognition of the gender continuum but we're talking about a true preserve of the ungendered are we not? I'm no expert on the physiology of gingerbread people but none of them seem to display what one might consider primary or secondary sexual characteristics such that they might need to cover the groin area or chest. 

If we park that for a moment I wonder then whether we might delve into the world of diversity? Now that we've gendered these pastries it seems that we assume that they will only be in a heterosexual relationship. I couldn't find any MM or FF packs at all! They've only just discovered sex and they are immediately being oppressed.  

I have no idea at all what Mr Morrison was thinking about when they went down this road but I'm here to tell you that they didn't think it through.

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