Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

And Finally.....

...I have reached another milestone....500 pictures published on Blip!!

The whole idea is that you publish a picture a day...unfortunately I never quite managed that, though back in 2014, I had a wee challenge with my good mate Heliflyer, and managed to keep it going for a good few months before bowing out of the comp!!

It has been fascinating looking back at the pictures taken....and the memories created and hopefully I will be able to continue posting pics for many years to come as the news from Blip Central is looking fab!! Well done for all your hard work guys!!

I have also appreciated the comments from all those who have and it  has been a pleasure looking at (and commenting on) other folks journals here on Blip.

A Weekly Blip Challenge has been fun to be apart of too ...Cheers Rich for hosting that!! and as for the picture today...well after the overnight snowfall, I had to get out for a wee walk and capture the beauty of the day!! 

Inspired by BBC's "Winterwatch", a flock of birds (sorry no idea what they are..though my good lady reckons that they are either Fieldfare or Bramblings!!) were dancing about the field as I was passing.Too good an opportunity to miss and since they are all flying "Together", it gives me a couple of options for this weeks Blip Challenge!!

A couple of extra shots will be included of my wanderings around Queensferry and Dalmeny today!!

Enjoy the weekend folks!!

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