Aonach Eagach Ridge

The Aonach Eagach is a beautiful rocky narrow ridge which runs to the north of Glen Coe in the Scottish Highlands, it boasts two Munro Summits and runs in length for10km from the Pap of Glencoe to The Devil's Staircase. Its highest point is 3,127ft(953m), it is usually regarded as the most difficult horizontal scrambling ridge in mainland Scotland, and I would agree with that as I was lucky enough to have climbed it with a few hillwalking friends who were a great bunch to have . Our day started with blue skies but ended with it being glagged in which made the rock surface wet and bit more slippery. Of the three pinnacles to clamber over it was the middle one where I stopped and asked myself what the fudge was I doing here to which I replied you are in the middle going back was not an option so get yourself moving , this thought process took all of a few seconds lol, I am glad I did it and that whenever we drive past the memory of meeting a gentleman who was blind climbing up with two helpers, as we were looking to descend, I had great admiration for him as he showed nothing but excitement of being there . The first extra is a slightly different view but in month other two were taken form the car as we were heading home xx p.s better in large lol xx

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