Not exactly William Tell

The balloons are still hovering on the ceiling - he didn't come close once! We have all taken bets and are going to check if there is a winner in the morning, still afloat!

As footie was off, Leo has been a real 'Herman the Hermit, and hasn't set foot outside. However, he did crack on and not only did his Maths homework, literacy homework and some more work on his Sustainability homework but he also wrote his entry for the BBC2 500 words competition. It is the first time he has entered so he is vey excited, especially as they emailed back a taking part certificate once he had pressed the magic submit button. As a reward I made him a sandwich man for lunch - extra.

I couldn't face being a Hermit so popped out for a trip to the Library and a plod around the town. I popped to the wool shop too but came out empty handed as I spotted just the yarn I wanted and they only had one ball - aaaah!

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