Homemade pizza

This took me bloody ages, proving and kneeding and making a well for the mixture. I could have driven to dominoes in another county and back in the time it took me! However this was so nice, the base was amazing and the toppings were so nice!
A pizza for less than 420 calories is right up my street!

We went into town this morning, had breakfast and did some shopping! Then home to dog proof the garden so he can run along the grass and isn't confined to the decking. We'd finished the garden by 1.30 and then the dog spent an hour in the garden living the dream, he was running at full speed for ages. He's fast allele now, has been since 7.30!

Off again tomorrow and we're planning cleaning, sorting, meal prep and a big roast dinner before both of us being at work all week! I'm working all of next weekend too, Tim and I don't have another day off together for 13 days, so shit! I need a Monday-Friday

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