hangers on

It’s gone four o’clock and Anniemay is …. panicking.  “It’s gone four and I haven’t got a blip.  I haven’t even thought of one.”  I tell her not to worry - she’ll think of something, as she always does.  

As she goes off I’m left thinking “it’s gone four and I haven’t got a blip.  I haven’t even thought of one.”

It’s been another lazy day.  Dan and Kelly came for lunch and a chat, then Chris called in for tea and a chat.  So - a lot of eating and talking.  But not at the same time.

I have officially hung up my ‘King of DIY’  badge.  The floor can be laid by someone else.  I’m hanging on to my ‘King of bike fettling' apron though.  That will need to be prised from my rigid, rusty fingers.

It’s getting dark as I lower the venetian blinds …… and there’s my blip.  

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