Sprout lover

By robharris35

Don't look a gifthorse in the mouth; eat salmon

One thing I never did in Phnom Penh was to visit one of the upmarket hotel brunches to quaff on champagne and chortle over the pate and artisanal bread counter as it always seemed too overpriced and too gratuitous in one of Asia's poorest countries. But when a friend offers you the chance to join for a posh brunch because the tickets were bought by a partner who is now an ex, it is not the time to be coy. Thank you Tim for the creme brûlée.

Explored the Barbican Centre after brunch: what a crazy architectural experiment that is part 60s housing estate, part futuristic film set and part tranquil haven in the middle of the capital. Why it wasn't the setting for any scenes in 28 Days Later I do not know.

I'm stuck on a packed train over one of those heaters that in the winter are as hot as furnaces and leave you scalded and sweaty. Not pleasant.

What's a gifthorse?

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