January sick and tired of you hanging on me.

Like a lot of people I'm glad to see the back of January. So sad to hear that Sir Terry Wogan died today. There was a picture of Pudsey with a black eye patch that was really touching on Facebook. Strange to think that another familiar face and person is no longer here.
We had more snow this morning about 1 inch or more so we took David to work. The roads had nt been gritted so not a very pleasant journey.
After breakfast we drove down to the Beauly Firth and watched an otter fishing under the bridge. Lots of seals around too and this heron was balanced on a rock further  along the Firth.
I carried out the RSPB Garden watch today. The goldfinches and greenfinches that have been showing in great numbers last week only appeared in small numbers. My results are below with the results from the last two years in brackets.

chaffinch 11 (5,6)
greenfinch 2 (2,2)
goldfinch 1 (13,4)
blue tit 4 (3,3)
Great tit 3 (3,3)
Coal tit 6
long tailed tit 8 (6,2 )
robin 3 (4,3)
Dunnock 2 (2,3)
pigeon 2 (2,1)
Herring Gull 1 ( 2,0)
blackbird 5 (4,3)
pheasant 3 (1,0)
Carrion crow 2 (2,0)
siskin 2
great spotted woodpecker 2

Storm Henry is supposed to hit us tomorrow so not looking forward to that

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