It's big garden bird watch time again

It's been a dull day, thought about going for a long walk this morning, but decided against it and went for a shorter route instead, it wasn't cold as such but not really warm enough to shift last nights light snow covering.
Late morning was spent doing the annual RSPB big garden bird watch, armed with binos, camera and a rather special cup of coffee it's a most agreeable way to pass an hour, I wondered why I don't do something like that more often.
Wasn't confident of seeing many birds during my hour, but was pleasantly surprised.
Always Rooks around these days, Jackdaws and Seagulls too, But the Wood Pigeons, Starlings, Sparrows, Blue Tits, Coal Tits, Chaffinchs and Blackbirds, not forgetting a solitary Robin all appeared, not in great numbers as was the case last year, but so pleasing to see such variety.
A busyish afternoon, doing house work and a visit to my closest friends for a lovely tea
I've had a very good day
Hope you've all had a good day

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