Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Morning light

The morning light here in Cabo San Lucas is amazing. This shot was taken just before breakfast as the sun cascaded through the windows of our shack.

To our amazement the kids slept pretty well last night, sleeping from 9pm until about 7:30am.

They'll be very spoilt these next few days too, as we're planning to make the pool a regular post-breakfast event. They both loved it this morning. In fact we would have stayed much longer had the wee man not whispered to me that he was doing a poo. Lucky escape!

With the recent passing of Rani, Nikki has been discussing the concept of life and death with our little boy. I'm not sure what she told him but on the way back from dinner tonight he blurted out 'I'm going to die in 25 seconds!' Blimey. Intrigued by the wee man's thoughts, we asked what happens when people die. 'They play' he replied '...with their favourite cars'. 'But where do they go when they die?' we asked. After a brief pause he replied, 'San Francisco'.

Good to know.

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